Monday, August 4, 2014

Sweaters on the brain

The state fair sweaters are done, but two of the entries are personal designs. I'm starting the process of writing the instructions up. As always, knitting and trouble shooting are far more enjoyable than writing everything down. This time I was smart, in two ways. First, I took copious notes along with diagrams as I knit Cloudberry (the more complicated of the two designs). Second, I've been attending a work night with friends where the entire point is to bring your laptop and get things done. So, I've been working on the writing while drinking beer in the company of fabulous people. Win win!

One beer and most of a cupcake later I have the instructions finished for: the picot hem, starting the main body, knitting the sleeves and joining the two together!

Luckily, almost all of the instructions for Cloudberry cardigan will overlap with Dancing Elephants. I've almost determined how best to explain joining the sleeves and main body together with a handy diagram. As a visual knitter I would have loved this diagram when learning this technique.

To distract my brain from the tedium of writing a pattern I started another drawing today of a new sweater. It follows the seamless, bottom-up yoke sweater format. And requires searching for more buttons. Oh darn. (Not!)

I don't know whether that sweater will ever be a written pattern, but I really want a sweater that uses some sweet ribbons a friend gave me for my birthday.

There's also that rosy Amande yarn burning a hole in my stash. I wound it today. Isn't it pretty? Someday it will be a sweater!

As I contemplate knitting more sweaters in this 90 degree heat...

Be excellent to each other!


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