Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Love your nerd

Nerd, geek, dork, and weirdo are all affectionate terms in my house. They connote someone that thinks about a thing and loves it passionately. (Wil Wheaton's blog post and open letter about being nerd are simply fabulous!) Everyone is passionate about something in different ways. Lucky for me many friends share some passions and are totally stoked about others - such that they are inspiring.

My most recent inspiration comes from a friend's and my own past experiences with chemistry. (Not quite as wide spread a passion as doctor who, I know!) I'm quite fond of the seamless yoke sweater, and have concocted a way to make another sweater with a new chart - a chart based on mass spectrometer readings! (Or the element read out that becomes a line graph not lines in a bar chart format.) Something like this, but not rare earth minerals.

The yoke portion will be repeating charts of the line graphs representing a chemical compound. My current plan is to use iron oxide, rust. Those charts seem to be quite varied, visually appealing, and meaningful to the recipient.

Yes, this is a man's sweater. And my current challenge is to add a zipper to the front instead of doing buttons. I think a zipper is totally doable. It is more enjoyable to start a new project when there is some challenge, but I'm not quite ready for steeks, they still terrify me.

In other nerdy news I would like to share a photograph from a BBQ this weekend where a friend kindly brought her lawn sized version of Settlers of Catan. I had tried to imagine what it be like to play on a giant board, and now I'm planning more giant versions of games. Imagine if candy land was giant and there were real fudge pits?!?

That's all for now.

Be excellent to each other!


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