Thursday, October 10, 2013

Be careful what you ask for...

Or you just might get a cat purring himself to sleep on your lap. For the first time ... In 4 years!

We bemoaned not having a lap cat. We tried every trick for years. Gentle cuddling while holding - for limited amounts of time. 10 seconds holding on lap ... Every once in awhile.

Our cat has finally decided that his human' slap is an okay place to be.

Which is why I am holding my iPad in the air and typing one handed to avoid putting anything on the cat. It's why my nose itches and I haven't been able to blow it. It's why my legs are getting warm.

Be careful what you ask for.


The Tettegouche test is going well. Some math has been redone. A few errors found. Some instructions clarified and been rewritten to make more sense. One woman has already sent me a photo of her project - which just is so ... Jazzy. It's inspiring to see the yarns that people choose. Everyone looks at a pattern slightly differently, and therefore colors vary accordingly. It's a great thing to see unfold as these people knit this thing that I've only had in my own brain for so long.

While the test goes well I continue to plan new projects. I'm determining how I would construct a sweater on a machine, and write directions for it to be done by hand. Charts and fair isle are also being designed. There will probably be a white sweater with the lace and linen buttons (from a drawing in a previous post) and then a sweater for a friend in pink with a yoke of dancing elephants. Uh-huh ... Too cute.

Be excellent to each other!


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